P-04-366 Closure of Aberystwyth Day Centre


FOR THE ATTENTION OF:  Mr. William Powell

Dear Mr. Powell,

The following comments I consider relevant: Lack of Pedestrian crossing:  Townspeople are assisting

Service Users to cross the road to get to the Day Centre.

Canopy for ramp:  "overall effect of Town Hall" - more important than elderly and disabled sitting in wet clothes!.

                           "proximity within the building used by the Day Centre" - opposite end of building to Day Centre,

                            and on different floor which would necessitate the service users going down to the Basement

                            by Lift (Some in wheelchairs  and walking frames) ? Fire Hazard.


Passenger Transport:  Buses pass this road in September (students) - hourly, which is not the same as being

                                  near the Bus Depot, as before, and getting on the correct bus.

                                  North Road is up a steep hill and out of the question for "Critical" and "Substantial" - the new

                                  criteria now  for service users  to be able to  attend the Day Centre.


"New purpose-adapted modern resource".  The Day Centre in Park Avenue (accommodating 90 people) was purpose built.

"Whilst showering facilities are available at the new Centre, bathing services are generally provided at home" -

SPADC (I am on the Committee) received from Ceredion County Council, a few days after their correspondence to you, the

following:  (This is a reply we had been waiting for since last April) it is in response to a Report of an Occupation Therapist

the SPADC had asked for her comments on the Basement Day Centre.  Ceredigion CC had requested a copy from us.


Her comments run (1-11)

5.  If the shower/WC in the basement is in use, this prohibits access to the WC for a wheelchair user and requires them to negotiate

     long corridors and the lift to access the Library where there is another disabled WC.  For Clients with frequent or urgency of

     micturation, this is a long way and could cause great distress.  Changing the basement staff kitchen to a disabled WC would assist greatly.


CCC reply. " The numbers of service users who will receive a shower is limited and as stated during the Town Hall visit staff at the Day Centre

      will be mindful of everyone's needs and communicate proposed usage of the shower facility to service users who may require the disabled toilet. 

      Over time this room will predominantly be a disabled toilet as there will not be any new service users having bathing services.  The staff kitchen

      will serve all three services in the building and cannot be considered for the other floors as food and drink is not allowed on the Library and

      Archives floors".


EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT  September 2011  - Sue Darnbrook Social Services.

Bathing in and assisted bathroom (Current provision at Park Avenue Day Centre)

Future provision at the Town Hall - "Assisted bathing is not

planned for the new centre but there is a shower in the disabled toilet facility.  The people ....bathing  ..... be assessed for having a bath by

alternative means....